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Houdini Certified School
Student Art: Justin Casale

Houdini + 3D for Film or Games

/Hybrid/32 Weeks Online + 16 Weeks On Campus/diploma

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae dapibus lacus. Quisque vel mi quis metus commodo malesuada vitae a nibh. Cras at ligula metus. Duis porttitor consectetur lectus, ac convallis eros facilisis eu.


Program Overview

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae dapibus lacus. Quisque vel mi quis metus commodo malesuada vitae a nibh. Cras at ligula metus. Duis porttitor consectetur lectus, ac convallis eros.

Morbi convallis diam tellus, vulputate rhoncus urna elementum a. Mauris pulvinar, lacus varius rhoncus tempor, justo enim vulputate ex, eu sollicitudin neque ex eget odio. Curabitur convallis pretium ligula, sed auctor tortor posuere in. Curabitur eget ligula vulputate dolor aliquam faucibus. Mauris non massa ullamcorper, posuere lectus sed, pellentesque libero.

Nulla ac velit nec nibh facilisis pulvinar sit amet at purus. Mauris nec enim eu sapien mollis tristique. Aliquam luctus nisl dolor, at tempus dui dapibus eu. Fusce tortor justo, dapibus sit amet rutrum in, mattis eget massa. Quisque dapibus, dui sed euismod mattis, ipsum libero imperdiet ex, placerat.

Who it's for

In ut ligula at diam aliquam maximus in quis metus. Nunc vitae auctor elit, sed convallis turpis. Ut nec ligula sit amet mauris vulputate finibus. Nam porta augue libero, eget gravida ligula laoreet quis. Nam nec rhoncus odio. Fusce at bibendum ante, tempor aliquam libero. Nulla id laoreet risus, a euismod dui.

Software we'll provide

  • PhotoshopPhotoshop
  • Adobe's Creative CloudAdobe's Creative Cloud
  • ZBrushZBrush
  • Foundry (Mari / Nuke / Modo)Foundry (Mari / Nuke / Modo)
  • MayaMaya
  • ZoomZoom
  • MudboxMudbox
  • V-RayV-Ray
  • MariMari
  • Substance DesignerSubstance Designer

You’ll choose your specialization in Term 2

Focusing on an area that reflects your skills, interests and career goals, these specializations will help define you as a CG Artist:

Characters & Creatures for Film
Characters & Creatures for Film
Plus Sign
Characters & Creatures for Games
Characters & Creatures for Games
Plus Sign
Props & Environments for Film
Props & Environments for Film
Plus Sign
Props & Environments for Games
Props & Environments for Games
Plus Sign

Term by term

Term 1

You’ll begin this program by diving back into where your schooling or experience left off. You’ll learn creative techniques that will enable you to produce complex and detailed oriented work at a more advanced level.

In addition to these more advanced lessons, you’ll be required to select your specialization path from one of four primary options: Environments & Props for Film or Games, and Characters & Creatures for Film or Games. These paths will inform what will eventually become your portfolio project during the following two terms.

Courses *
  • / 3D Modeling
  • / Drapery
  • / Hero Prop
  • / Texturing
  • / Look Development
  • / Game Engines
  • / Production Pipeline
  • / Final Project
Art by Abhishek Dhakate
Student Art: Abhishek Dhakate

Term 2

Courses in this term focus on advanced tools, workflows and techniques that will prepare you for the final stages of your specialization. Upon being connected with your personal mentor, you’ll begin to develop a full-term final project that will serve as a high-quality asset preceding the portfolio production stage to come.

Workload and expectations increase during this term as pre-production on your portfolio and demo reel begin while advanced courses continue.

Courses *
  • / 3D Modeling
  • / Hero Prop
  • / Grooming
  • / Anatomy & Topology
  • / Texturing
  • / Environments
  • / Game Engines
  • / Advanced Tools
  • / Final Project
Art by Archie Majumdar
Student Art: Archie Majumdar

Term 3

As the foundational piece of the portfolio production process, this mentorship-focused term has you making definitive creative decisions on your pieces–such as finalizing shots, completing lighting, rendering, and compositing to produce what will become the final cut.

Alongside the advice of your supervisor and mentor, you’ll take lessons focusing on presentation skills, portfolio packaging, career preparation and job search which will provide invaluable direction on preparing resumés and cover letters, as well as industry practices and ethics.

Courses *
  • / Job Readiness
  • / Production Pipeline
  • / Final Portfolio Production
Art by Alex Lorente
Student Art: Alex Lorente

Term 4

As the foundational piece of the portfolio production process, this mentorship term has you making definitive creative decisions on your pieces–such as finalizing shots, completing lighting, rendering, and compositing to produce what will become the final cut.

Alongside the advice of your instructors and mentor, you’ll take lessons focusing on presentation skills, portfolio packaging, career preparation and job search which will provide invaluable direction on preparing resumés and cover letters, as well as industry practices and ethics. 

Courses *
  • / Presentation Skills
  • / Portfolio Packaging
  • / Job Search
  • / Production Pipeline
  • / Experiential Learning Lab
  • / Final Portfolio Production
Art by Hong Low
Student Art: Hong Low
* Specialization may affect course selection
Why Think Tank?

Personalized Fast-paced Hands-on Anywhere

  • Portal

    Your virtual home base. Connect with classmates, your supervisor, take in live sessions, and explore the student gallery.

  • Weekly Challenges

    Utilize training materials, such as video, software screen capture, exercises, resources, and assignments.

  • Peer Learning

    Take part in live question-and-answer sessions with your classmates and supervisor to share your ideas.

  • Small Classes

    Each class has a max of eight students. This means less theory, less waiting, more collaboration, and more feedback.

  • 24/7 Access

    Throughout your program, you’ll get 24/7 access to all recorded live sessions and proprietary training materials.

  • Leave with Results

    Gain the skills, confidence, connections, and portfolio required to make a statement and land that first job.

  • What is the tuition for Houdini + 3D for Film or Games?Plus icon
Student Art: Niranjan Mhamane
Tuition & Start Dates

Apply for this program

Ready to take the next step? The application process is simple, and our Admissions Team are happy to answer any questions you might have.
All prices are CAD. See estimated conversions here: